About USoA Inc.

At United Supply of America, we are involved in the development of numerous electric generation and cogeneration projects in Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Mississippi, Maryland, New York, South Carolina, California, Georgia, Oregon, Wyoming, Nevada, New Jersey, Illinois, Florida, Kentucky and Ohio.

This included the following:

  1. Site Location: Evaluated all of the necessary elements for the proposed power facility. Reviewed topographic maps, access roads, rail facilities, fuel supply, power and utility lines, water supply and waste disposal. A detailed field investigation is undertaken and alternative sites are evaluated.
  2. Land Acquisition: Courthouse records were studied to determine surface land ownership, power line right of way, and easement grants. Titles were reviewed to ascertain marketability of the title and clearance of encumbrances. Options were obtained and direct negotiations are undertaken with landowners.
  3. Environmental Evaluation: All environmental aspects of the proposed site are studied including air quality, ground water contamination, waste disposal, presence of toxic waste, and fuel storage. Requirements to comply with federal and state regulations are defined.
  4. Governmental Permits: Assume responsibility for the preparation and filing of all necessary federal and state permits (including FERC and DER). Also checked local zoning requirements and availability of building permits. If a variance is required we appeared before the local zoning board and municipal authorities. This included meeting with and answering public demands.
  5. Power Supply Contracts: Negotiated Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with the electric utility involved in the project. We review the PPA for compliance with the project environmental, fuel, finance and legal aspects. The average PPA has carried a term of 20 to 30 years for coal fired projects.
  6. Power Plant Equipment and Construction: Reviewed project conceptual design including the required interconnect study. Selected equipment vendors and general construction contractors are invited to bid. Recommendations are made to the project developers and host utility. Close liaison is also established with equipment vendors and the general construction contractor. Construction is monitored and checked for compliance with plans and specifications to determine proper payments to the contractors.
  7. Operation & Maintenance: Operation and Maintenance contracts are negotiated on the basis of the operating criteria supplied by the vendors of the particular equipment that is selected for the project.
  8. Project Finance: Arranged interim construction and permanent financing. Many financing alternatives are explored including private placement with pension funds and insurance companies, conventional and tax-free bond issues, and conventional financing through local banks.

R. P. Suto invented and holds two manufacturing patents, one for fiber reinforced utility cable and one for reinforced fiber optic cable each of which can be used under water, overhead, or plowed.

US PATENT # 6513234 B2 February 4, 2003
US PATENT # 65680272 B2 May 29, 2003